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YUI Panel Tutorial

This seven section tutorial is an excellent overview of the YUI panel control

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Microsoft or Google! The battle begins.

Microsoft fancies itself the noble knight of Saint George and the Dragon legend, while few can dispute Google's place as the powerful devourer of the online advertising business.

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Podcast And Portable Media Expo Day 1

The first day of the Podcast and Portable Media Expo in Ontario, Calif., kicks off today with an all-star lineup of speakers and experts on the new media form of podcasting. WebProNews made the 2,100-mile trek to glean all we can from this emergent medium.

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When To Let Go Of Your Website Designing Ideas

As hard as it may be, letting go of your website designing ideas and listening to the customer may actually be of benefit in the long run.

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Web 2.0 For Students

A great list covering tools, office applications and websites you as a student need to be aware of.

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Web 2.0 or Bubble 2.0?

Is the web 2.0 bubble bursting, with a conference dedicated to web 2.0 in san franciso coming up, here is an article written toungue in cheek on the web 2.0 evolution.

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The Rise of Social Networks

In the last 2 years there has been 300+ social networking startups, how many will be around in a year though?

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Colour Match Your Life

Have you ever wanted to find an image that matches your logo, template, ad layout or even the outfit you're wearing? Yotophoto is the first internet search engine for finding free-to-use photographs and images with colour matching capabilities.

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